Saturday, May 12, 2012

MRI = No Fun

Went to have an MRI to check my Pituitary gland tonight to see if it was ok, and if it was the reason for the raised prolactin levels. I never want to do that again.  It really SUCKED it's something I don't want to do ever, ever again.

I got to my appointment at 4:15pm and they told me it should take about 45 minutes.  I filled out paperwork and in we went.  They needed to put an IV in so they could do the contrast dye so they could get a good picture of my brain (yes it's there, they found it) I had two techs try to find a vein and they weren't having a lot of luck, so they finally got a nurse to come in and look.  They found one, in the worst spot possible right in the middle of the back of my left arm...ouch

They took me into the little room gave me earplugs and put me on the little bed to roll me into the MRI machine, the tech told me I had to stay perfectly still so they could get a good image, apparently I didn't, but then again every time the machine would vibrate my entire body would go into spasm.   I thought I was going to have some sort of attack...really not a fan.  But 1/2 way though the test they came over the speaker and said "ok you're going to feel the contrast go into your arm now" and again, not a fan, it was hot and burned and felt funky.

So they continued the test and finally when it was over they rolled me out, I did tell the nurse I never wanted to do that again...EVER I was so weak and shakey and was just had a feeling of being dazed and confused.  It took a couple of hours but the feeling finally wore off.

I'm so happy it is over and I'm one day closer to being a MOM.

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