Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Bye bye trigger

It's a sad day, the trigger had run its course and now is almost completely out of my system.

The IC is almost stark white and now all of my symptoms are gone.

The bloat that's been there for the last few days is gone as well as my nipples of fire.  Please dear God let them come back in the next few days.

Sunday, June 21, 2015


Why did I think testing out the trigger would be a good thing.   It's almost as bad as chart stalking and over analyzing. 3PO

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Pull that trigger!

Well I'm not so sure about pulling but shooting for sure.  I went in this morning for my ultrasound and blood work and guess what, we've got some biguns!  The doctor saw 1 large follie on the right measuring 15x13 and 3 on the left 1 at 13x14 1 at 17x15 and HOLY HELL a 22x17!

It only took 17 days of stimming but the E2 levels are up which I will agree with the blood work because I've got some nipples of fire going on so this afternoon we triggered.

I will say the giant needle scared me but I'm a pro at mixing meds and drawing them in so that was easy enough to do and D was a trooper even though he didn't want to stab me he did right in the left cheek and honestly it I didn't even know he did it at first.

So now we wait, I bought a pack of 50 ICs and we're going to test out that trigger and I have to call into the office on July 4th with the results of a pregnancy test.

My mother's birthday would have been July 2nd so I'm praying that on her birthday I can tell her she's going to be a Grandma.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Shooting up sucks

I have no issues with the Gonal F pens, they're easy, quick and super simple to use.   The Menopur on the other hand is a giant pain in the ass...well stomach.  

150iu of Menopur equals 4 vials, 2 needles, mixing and drawing and sticking twice.  I miss the pens.

But on a positive note it finally seems to be working,  I've got 3 follies over 10 1 was 15, one 13, one 12.  Hopefully in the next few days well be able to trigger.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Frustration is my middle name.

CD11 and still no real movement.   We've upped my meds to andstarted 150iu of Menopur twice a day. 
I can't help but to be frustrated and upset,  I know it's a challenge but still I don't know how much more I can take. 

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Getting frustrated

Today is CD 8 of this cycle and still no real news.

I did find out today that my E2 levels are still really low but the follies are on the cusp?  Whatever that means...on the cusp of what growing, death, movement, revolt?

Still 10 follies all under 10mm but growing, I guess at this point a little growth is good.  I hate the uncertainty that this brings, the ups and downs of this process.

All I want is a healthy baby in my arms which are now bruised from all the pokes and prodding...well we won't talk about prodding now will we.

The other thing we probably shouldn't talk about is all the bloat my stomach feels 10 times bigger than it actually is and D actually commented and wondered if my boobs were getting bigger.

BTW do you like my new BFF? 

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Back at it again.

CD 5 and another blood draw and another U/S and not much progress.  They found a total of 10 follies, 6 on the left and 4 on the right all really really small.

So today we upped the Gonal F to 150iu twice a day and hoped for some growth.  My E2 levels are still really low but the lining is getting thick, so I think that's a plus right?

Friday, June 5, 2015

CD 3-ish

Another monitoring appointment today.  I swear they need new nurses drawing blood.

I love the blood draw station at LW but the nurses in the office I swear can't find a vein to save their lives.

First encounter with my BFF the U/S machine, I hate the fact that my ovaries like to play hide and seek and I think they go digging in my throat to find them.  They finally did see them and nothing, apparently I'm a slow responder.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

I've been keeping a little secret.

We're actually cycling!

It's been 3 long years of testing, waiting, hoping, praying, crying.

Baseline blood draw and the numbers look good.

E2 levels are low so it's time to start 112.5iu of Gonal F twice a day.