Friday, May 24, 2013

Another Journey and a history lesson

It all started back in 1991, I was 18 years old fresh out of high school and I decided that I wanted to go to travel school and see the world.  So that's exactly what I did.  I went on cruises and vacations, saw the Americas, Europe, and the Caribbean.  I had fun and I loved what I was doing, I was young and had not a care in the world.

Fast forward 18 years, I was working for a large corporation planning corporate travel for many different companies when I get the call to the office where I was given  a pretty blue file and a pretty pink slip.  My days of travel planning and organizing were over or so I thought they were.

Fast forward again to a few weeks ago when D and I were talking about missing the few little perks I got as being a travel agent. They weren't huge or giant discounts, but I saw what was on sale and where the deals were so we booked things and took trips.  After several long conversations and soul searching I decided it was time to go back through my hat in the ring and do something I truly loved.  

I found some old contacts did a little research and found a job that I was able to work from home at my own time and at my own pace. So Little Cottage Travel was born. I created a Facebook page and a website for my new business, both are a work in progress at the moment and still need a little help but it's a start.  I'm excited, scared, nervous to embark on this new journey and in the long run it will be worth the blood sweat and tears that I know are forthcoming.

Please feel free to like or share or ask questions or who knows even book the vacation of your dreams!

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