Friday, August 17, 2012

Infertile Girl Problems

One of the biggest issues that face an infertile girl is it always seems that there are a million fertile girls that are surrounding them that all get KU simultaneously.   Went into work today and one of the girls comes around happy and squeeing that she messed up taking her BCP and whoops now she's KTFU!!  Figures how does this just happen to people.  She trys to explain that they didn't know if they wanted another baby, but it'll be ok.  We're so happy and blessed.

I have to pretend to be excited for her and happy that wow she was the .02% who's birth control didn't work.  This is not the thing that the girl who is on day 8 of Provera to induce my period because my body is incapable of ovulating on its own.  YAY ME!  So to top it all off I'm cranky, crabby, bloated, bitchy and just  generally off.  Not to mention I want to eat everything in site.

This is one of the things that started my crappy day out. But I knew it wasn't going to be a good day when Dunkin Donuts screwed up my coffee at 8am, it's all going to be downhill from there.

Too top off this craptastic day from hell, the house that we had on contract and under deposit we found out FHA wouldn't finance the house because the well and the septic system were to close together. So we found what could be a great starter home to build our little flock and we had to walk away from it.  They say if something is wrong with the house and you walk away it's because it wasn't really "your" house and our dream house is still out there waiting for us.  So we're back to the search yet again.

1 comment:

  1. [HUGS]. Surprise announcments suck enough, be when you are on provera...that is sucky. things will get better.
