Saturday, November 17, 2012

11 Days Post Op

Today is 11 days past brain surgery and I can honestly say today is the 1st day that I feel well.  I didn't wake up with a headache, I did however wake up with a backache.  In retrospect I'm doing well and much better than expected, I don't know if I could have said that a week ago.

Here is the journey from surgery to current day and how it went.

Surgery Day.

I got to the hospital around noon checked in got settled and prepped for surgery.  They put me in a funny little paper dress and hat and oh so stylish slipper socks.  After a delay they rolled me into surgery around 2pm.

The last thing I remember was getting into the OR and them unlocking the door, it was a strange OR with a big screen to see what they're doing and an airlock on the door.  I get in the room they note the time that it's 2:04pm the nurse says we're going to give you something to relax and that was the last thing I remember.  The next 8:00pm, 6 hours gone and didn't know what happened.

I woke up with a huge headache and backache from the drain they placed in my back.  I was groggy and drowsy but feeling ok.

I spent the next two days in the ICU being poked and prodded along the way checking anything and everything they could check.  But all my hormone levels were good and I was progressing better than they thought.

So they told me they would send me off to the regular floor and out of the ICU, I did so good I was able to walk out of the ICU to the regular floor without any help (I was a little proud of that myself)

This was followed by another 3 days of poking and prodding in the hospital and the doctor said I was able to go home and so off I went.

I still don't feel 100% but I'm getting better all the time, and I can do a little more everyday.  I'm guessing I might be back 100% in about a week or so, which to me is just amazing.

I'm so thankful and feel so blessed to be doing so well just two weeks after brain surgery considering how scared I was just before surgery.

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