Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Finally a little good news

I was sitting in work and my cell phone rings with a strange number I don't recognize, but I reluctantly answer it.

My RE was calling me to check in and see how I was doing.  I told her when the surgery was and she told me I was in good hands with my neurosurgeon and not to worry and there are plenty of fertility treatment options for me after surgery.

I can't begin to tell you how much I love her.  This is a huge step considering the neuro told me there was a huge possibility I wouldn't be able to get pregnant after surgery and possibly turn menopausal. She really put my mind at ease today and helped with the anxiety about the surgery.  To say I'm over the moon happy right now is an understatement.

I know it's still going to be a long road ahead of us but this is a huge step forward.

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