Friday, May 31, 2013

Worth the wait!

Extra tests, horrible exam, double stuck but it was all worth it.

Got the news from the Neurosurgeon and the tumor is STABLE!!  Not bigger, not growing, not moving, but stable.  This is such wonderful, fabulous, awesome news.  It means that it could be at least a year maybe longer or maybe never they'll do surgery again.  Now I go back in November to see what happens a year after surgery.  Let's hope and pray it stays stable.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Another step forward and another step back.

Got a call from the neurosurgeon’s office this morning and apparently when they took the MRI earlier in the month the server went down and they lost all of the images that were on that machine.  So now I get to go back tomorrow for yet another MRI.

I’m so pissed off right now, I hate that fluckin test it sucks more than anything has ever sucked before.  Seriously how do you lose MRIs, I’m sorry the server went down but now I have to screw around to get another one taken.  And believe you me this time I’m leaving with a DVD.

This afternoon was my 6 month follow up with the Endocrinologist, I didn't really know what to expect but I knew I was going to get grilled and I did.  I got to the office which was in the hospital and they took my vitals and brought me to a room.  First the nurse came in and he had the chart up and made sure all the info the doctor had was correct.    Next one of the fellows in the practice came in to ask me just about any and every question under the sun.  She examined me, listened to my heart, back and belly.  Felt my thyroid and everything looked good.

Finally after about an hour I got to me "my" doctor and I really liked him.  It was nice, and he explained a lot and went over a bunch of things.  He did give me the news we already knew, I have a non-functioning pituitary gland. They looked at the last scan (back in February) and wanted to check out this one...but oh wait Yale lost it.

The little bit of good news if I do get pregnant I do have enough of the PIT left to sustain me though pregnancy.  They will follow me closely and watch all my levels but they think it'll be ok.  The endo also told me that if the tumor does grow they will wait until after we have decided to stop pursuing pregnancy all together or until we have all the children that we want.  Before they do another surgery or radiation treatment.  He thinks I'm a perfect candidate for radiation surgery because of the location of the tumor.  However it will destroy more of the PIT and make it function even less than it already is now (which I don't get).

Now I have to get more bloodwork and a few more tests but I don't need to go back until November/December so now we wait.  I really hope somehow, someway we can find a way that during my next appointment I'm pregnant.  I know I'm delusional but I'm not giving up hope that something might happen.

I can't give up hope, it's the only thing I have.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Another Journey and a history lesson

It all started back in 1991, I was 18 years old fresh out of high school and I decided that I wanted to go to travel school and see the world.  So that's exactly what I did.  I went on cruises and vacations, saw the Americas, Europe, and the Caribbean.  I had fun and I loved what I was doing, I was young and had not a care in the world.

Fast forward 18 years, I was working for a large corporation planning corporate travel for many different companies when I get the call to the office where I was given  a pretty blue file and a pretty pink slip.  My days of travel planning and organizing were over or so I thought they were.

Fast forward again to a few weeks ago when D and I were talking about missing the few little perks I got as being a travel agent. They weren't huge or giant discounts, but I saw what was on sale and where the deals were so we booked things and took trips.  After several long conversations and soul searching I decided it was time to go back through my hat in the ring and do something I truly loved.  

I found some old contacts did a little research and found a job that I was able to work from home at my own time and at my own pace. So Little Cottage Travel was born. I created a Facebook page and a website for my new business, both are a work in progress at the moment and still need a little help but it's a start.  I'm excited, scared, nervous to embark on this new journey and in the long run it will be worth the blood sweat and tears that I know are forthcoming.

Please feel free to like or share or ask questions or who knows even book the vacation of your dreams!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Welcome to home rentership

So we're all moved in, it took us 3 weeks and 3 days to pack up and move but we did it and we couldn't be happier.

I can't say the unpacking is going as well, but we're getting there.  The kitchen, living room, guest bedroom are done.  The office and master bedroom still need some work.  We've got about 10 boxes that still need to find a home but it's getting there.

Today the Goal was to get the dryer hooked up, unfortunately we had to change the power cord which required a trip to home depot to get a 4 prong cord to fit in the outlet we have in the house.  Thanks to Google I installed the new cord plugged it in and it worked. Yay success. Next we hooked up the washer and the cold water hose broke and water went all over. Looks like another trip to home depot is on the list of things to do tomorrow.

It may not be the exact outcome that we wanted but it was something we did in our home.  I can't tell you how happy we are to be here and how wonderful the last week and 1/2 has been.  Next weekend is going to be yard work weekend.  We need to find a lawnmower and I want to buy some plants and start a small veggie garden.  But they say we shouldn't do it for a week or so because we have some chance for frost still.  It actually dropped down in the 30s last night.

I can't wait to get more things done and the house decorated exactly the way we want it.  I would love to have a family in this house and somehow I will find a way for this to happen