Friday, August 17, 2012

Infertile Girl Problems

One of the biggest issues that face an infertile girl is it always seems that there are a million fertile girls that are surrounding them that all get KU simultaneously.   Went into work today and one of the girls comes around happy and squeeing that she messed up taking her BCP and whoops now she's KTFU!!  Figures how does this just happen to people.  She trys to explain that they didn't know if they wanted another baby, but it'll be ok.  We're so happy and blessed.

I have to pretend to be excited for her and happy that wow she was the .02% who's birth control didn't work.  This is not the thing that the girl who is on day 8 of Provera to induce my period because my body is incapable of ovulating on its own.  YAY ME!  So to top it all off I'm cranky, crabby, bloated, bitchy and just  generally off.  Not to mention I want to eat everything in site.

This is one of the things that started my crappy day out. But I knew it wasn't going to be a good day when Dunkin Donuts screwed up my coffee at 8am, it's all going to be downhill from there.

Too top off this craptastic day from hell, the house that we had on contract and under deposit we found out FHA wouldn't finance the house because the well and the septic system were to close together. So we found what could be a great starter home to build our little flock and we had to walk away from it.  They say if something is wrong with the house and you walk away it's because it wasn't really "your" house and our dream house is still out there waiting for us.  So we're back to the search yet again.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Little things that have huge impact.

I got a simple little card in the mail today, it was the perfect little pick-me-up and just what I needed because I was feeling down.

The words of a virtual stranger could make me feel so much better, I really appreciate the love and support that I have from afar.  So I just wanted to share this and keep it for the future when I have that little one in my arms I won't ever forget what happened.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Finally a real diagnosis.

We all know I've been struggling with the unknown, and the waiting for the last three months for my follow up appointment and how things are going.  The RE wanted to give me three months on the MF to see if it was working and how it was working, and from what I can isn't

I get to the office and there are three pregnant women sitting in the waiting room, and this gives me a little hope, albeit false hope, but I digress.  I go in and the nurse takes my vitals height/weight/BP well the good news was in the last three months I lost 8lbs, a very hard fought 8lbs but hey I'll take them because the scale is going in the right direction.

After all of this I finally get in to see the RE and I told her what was going on and how things were going she sat down and wanted to go over all the tests I've taken in the last couple of months, and also found out the reason for the extra couple of test.  When she sat down I received news that was very difficult to hear, so hard I actually started to cry.  Apparently I don't have PCOS but she wanted to let me know that the MRI found a 2 cm mass on my Pitutary Gland on the base of my brain.  I heard words I never wanted to hear in my life, a million scenarios flashed through my now imperfect brain and tears rolled down my face.

Do I have cancer? Is it treatable?  Will I need radiation are they going to cut my skull open?  All these scenarios raced through my now imperfect brain.  The only thing that is getting me through this waiting period is the fact that if it was something they thought was serious or life threatening they would have had me in that day.  And the fact that I did a little research and come to find out these types of things are 99.98% benign and of those most of them don't need surgery.  Some can be treated with just medications and some people can go their entire life without any issues or symptoms.  If I wasn't trying to get pregnant and my doctor wasn't very agressive I would have never know it was there.

Now I have to have faith, that I will beat this and it's just a stumbling block along the way to creating our family.